Numbers and the Brain

An FNRS-funded Groupe de Contact
1st Annual Meeting - 29 and 30 March 2012 - Brussels
Click on the thumbnails to reach and enlarge pictures; move your mouse on the images to get a description.

Luisa Girelli (UMilano-Bicocca) 2012 guest speaker

Luisa Girelli (UMilano-Bicocca) 2012 guest speaker

Bieke Maertens (KUL)

Mathieu Guillaume (ULB)

Titia Gebuis (KUL)

Katia Carbè (ULB)

Wim Fias and Tom Verguts (UGent)

Karolien Smets (KUL)

Tom Verguts (UGent)

Lucie Attout (ULg)

Véronique Ginsburg (ULB)

Delphine Sasanguie (KUL)

Bert Reynvoet (KUL)

Alain Content (ULB)

from Alain Content (ULB)'s talk

Nicolas Masson (UCL)

Michael Andres (UGent)

Samuel Di Luca (UCL)

Jean-Philippe Van Dijck (UGent)

Stéphane Grade (UCL)

Emmy Defever (KUL)

Annemie Desoete (UGent)

Kiran Vanbinst (KUL)

Wim Gevers (ULB)

Mauro Pesenti's avatar (UCL) from Wim Gevers' brilliant concluding talk

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© 2012 - Pictures taken by Nicolas Michaux.